This is the second post on figures of speech. I have given 1 to 9 figures of speech In the first post.

(10) Simile (उपमा अलंकार) :
If there is a comparison between two objects of different kinds which have however at least one point of common in the given example, this is the example of simile.”
“दोन वस्तूंमधील साम्य जेथे वर्णन केलेले असते तेथे उपमा अलंकार होतो.”
The words so, as, like are used in simile. One can identify the simile by the help of above
Ex. (1) Herjewels shone like stars.
(2) Her face is like moon.
(3) Snehal is as clever as Vijaya.

(11) Metonymy :
“If an object is designated by the name of something which is generally associated with it in the given example. This is the example of Metonymy.
“एखादी वस्तू, व्यक्ती किंवा प्राणी मूळ शब्दाऐवजी दुसऱ्या गर्भित अर्थ असलेल्या शब्दाने ओळखली जाते तेव्हा हा अलंकार होतो.
Ex. (1) The golden crown.
(2) The Victor’s cup.
(3) The chair for the director.
(4) The bench for the judge.

(12) Syneedoche (निर्देशक अलंकार) :
“In synecdoche a whole is used to designate the part or the part to designate a whole.”
“एखाद्या घटकाचा वापर संपूर्ण समूहाचे प्रतिनिधित्व करण्यासाठी किंवा संपूर्ण समूहाचा वापर
घटकाचा निर्देश करण्यासाठी केला जातो, तेव्हा निर्देशक अलंकार होतो.
Ex. (1) The whole village goes to the city to work.
(2) Indian won one day series against Pakistan.
(3) Hands then reach out to the world.

(13) Apostrophe (परोक्षसंबोधन अलंकार)
“Apostrophe is a special form of personification. It is a direct address to a personified idea or object.”
“अनुपस्थित वस्तू, मृत व्यक्ती यांना उद्देशून विधान केलेले असल्यास परोक्षसंबोधन अलंकार होतो.”
Ex. (1) The child addressing the moon.
(2) Good by, my dear moon.
(3) Netaji, India is in need of you today.

(14) Tautology (व्यर्थ पुनरुक्ती अलंकार) :
“In tautology two words which have similar meanings are used.”
“व्यर्थ पुनरुक्ती अलंकारामध्ये शब्दांची किंवा चरणांची व्यर्थ पुनरावृत्ती होते.”
Ex. (1) I too want to hear fairy stories and tales from him. ( In this sentence stories and tales are similar words. )
(2) She is smart, attractive, beautiful.

15) Pun (श्लेष अलंकार)
In pun a word is used with two entirely different meanings.”
“एकच शब्द वाक्यात दोन अर्थांनी वापरल्यास श्लेष अलंकार होतो.”
Ex. (1) Now my house has also moved into a flat and I too have become somewhat
flat. ( Flat word has two different meanings. )
(2) Goa is a great haven for the India.

(16) Inversion (व्युत्क्रम अलंकार) :
“In inversion the words are not used in the correct order.”
“वाक्यात शब्दांचा क्रम बदलून भाषेचा अर्थ व सौंदर्य वाढवण्यात येते, तेव्हा व्युत्क्रम अलंकार होतो.”
Ex. (1) In that yard, the rangoli
(2) In vain is all world-play.
(3) Steadily pours the water.

(17) Onomatopoeia (ध्वनी अनुकरणात्मक शब्दालंकर)
“Onomatopoeia is a combination of sounds in a word that suggests or imitates what the
word refers to.”
“वाक्यातील शब्दांवरुन नाद व आवाजांचा बोध होत असेल तर ध्वनी अनुकरणात्मक शब्दालंकर होतो.”
Ex. (1) Rustling of leaves.
(2) Twittering of tiny birds.
(3) Down they came fluttering.

(18) Irony (य्याजस्तुती अलंकार) :
“एका चरणात दोन विरुद्ध कल्पनांचा वापर करुन उपहास व्यक्त केल्यास व्याजस्तुती अलंकार
Ex.(1) To the English I am a wog
I still don’t know who I am.
(2) They call me Indian abroad
but in my own land
I don’t know who I am ?


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